Tuesday, November 6, 2012



I am so excited to share my home loving journey with you. The truth is that I currently DO NOT love my home. I know, it's sounds terrible, but as I was walking through it about a year ago and looking at everything in it, I couldn't find ONE thing that reflected my style or who I was, or what I loved. It was a collection of things that we already had when we got married and things that were handed down to us. Let me just tell you, THAT is a slippery slope that only leads to disaster from a design standpoint! I was and still am grateful for the things that we have, BUT, I really, REALLY want to LOVE my home. I want to fix the lack of storage problem, the laundry in the basement problem, the lots of walls and small rooms problem, and the just plain lack of style problem! I want my home to be clean, green, organized and I want it to smell good! These are all the things that I LOVE about other people's homes when I visit them, but mine own home was lacking!

The Dilemma:

I don't have any money for renovations or to purchase all new items! With 3 young kids and my husband bringing in the majority of our income being a teacher and coach, there just isn't a whole lot left over at the end of the month to do major projects around the house!

So, that leads me to the reason for my blog. I know there are probably many of you out there who are in my same boat: You would LOVE to LOVE your home (I mean, seriously, who doesn't?) but, there is just no room in the budget for the things that you want to accomplish! I have a solution for you!

The Solution:

We are going to be creative! Recycle, Repurpose and Create! We are going to create a home that is organized, clean, green, and full of sytle! Together, we are going to create a home that we LOVE!

In our journey together you will find inexpensive solutions to everyday problems around your home that will make your life easier, and it will help make your home reflect who YOU are!  I will share craft and DIY tutorials, organizing and cleaning tips, and even healthy, yummy recipes for your family. I can't wait to get started!

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