My kids LOVE crafts! They are always begging me to do a craft and I just can't resist their adorable little faces. I got the inspiration from a handmade button turkey card I found here on Pinterest. So, we made this button turkey that is now haning in my kitchen!
It's easy to make. These are the things you will need:
- brown paper (i used the animal print brown)
- colorful buttons
- scissors
- manilla folder (or sturdy carstock)
- elmers glue
- glue stick
- yellow paper for beak
Cut the manilla folder in half and cut the tab off. Cut a circle and 2 ovals for each turkey you will be making. Use the glue stick to glue the circle and 1 oval to the manilla folder like this. I let my four year old use the glue stick herself and helped my two year old with that part.
To make the wings, you will fold the 2nd oval in half and cut a wavy pattern in it to make the wings.
Then cut the wings in half on the fodler line and glue them to the sides of the turkey with the glue sticks. It will look like this.
I just drew the feathers on with a pencil so that my little ones would know where to put the buttons. Now is the fun part, they start glueing! Depending on the age of your children, you may want to limit their glue use. I placed dots of glue on each feather and then let my two year place the buttons on.
We chose two buttons for the eyes and then cut a traingle for the beak and you're done! Just lay it flat to dry so all the buttons don't slide down. Enjoy!
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